いよいよ本塗装の開始。スキームと色の調合はModelGraphix誌2001年9月号とArmour Modeling2003年1月号掲載のさいとーよしたか先生の戦車模型塗装法を参考にさせていただきました。
Now for the camouflage painting. I followed the instruction for mixing the colors and camouflage patterns described by Mr. Yoshitaka Saito's articles in Model Graphix magazine (Sep. 2001) and Armour Modeling magazine (Jan. 2003).
For yellow, I mixed Mr. Color No.39 (Dark yellow), No.1 (white) and No.43 (Wood brown). I cannot remember the mixing ratios. I made plenty of the special yellow to avoid a shortage. I used 4 bottles of Mr. Color No.39!

For green, I mixed Mr. Color TC10 (Tank color), white and the above mix of special yellow. Why mix white? Because it gives a scale color and make the models more realistic.

For brown, I mixed Mr. Color TC11 and the above mix of special yellow. Why mix yellow? Because it integrated the 3 colors into the one scheme.
カモフラージュの完成。 Here is final camouflage finish.